Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Banjir di Mentakab, Kerdau, Kuala Krau, Mentakab dan Temerloh terburuk sejak 1971

Kelmarin saya dapat jemputan untuk ikuti rombongan bantuan bencana banjir kendalian MOT di bawah Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai ke beberapa tempat di Pahang. Tanpa berfikir panjang saya terus bersetuju untuk ikut serta hulurkan bantuan. Apabila saya tengok jadualnya (Setuju dulu baru tengok butiran), perjalanannya agak mencabar rupanya. Persinggahan pertama adalah di Mentakab di mana ada beberapa tempat yang ditenggelami banjir.

Selepas itu kami beserta beberapa orang wakil media bertolak ke Kerdau dan Kuala Kurau menaiki satu trolley train. Saya difahamkan oleh wakil KTM bahawa Kerdau dan Kuala Kurau kini hanya boleh dihubungi dengan landasan keretapi. Sampai sahaja di Kerdau, pasukan bantuan DS tidak menunggu lama untuk turun ke padang berjalan di seluruh pekan Kerdau untuk berjumpa dengan mangsa-mangsa banjir. Keadaan agak terkawal dengan bekalan makanan dan bahan asas mencukupi walaupun sudah seminggu ketiadaan bekalan elektrik dan air.

Kemudian, pasukan kami menaiki trolley train tersebut semula menuju ke Kuala Krau. Pemandangan di sana agak menyedihkan, saya dapat melihat dengan mata saya sendir laluan ke sana terputus dek kerana banjir. Dua stesyen minyak tenggelam dan yang kelihatan hanyalah papan tanda syarikat minyak tersebut. Pekan Kuala Krau agak besar berbanding dengan Kerdau. Boleh dikatakan, pasukan DS telah berjalan di seluruh pekan tersebut berjumpa dan bertanya khabar dengan mangsa banjir. Suasana sedih penuh emosi menyelubungi apabila beberapa kali warga tua yang disapa DS, menangis tanpa silu apabila menceritakan pengalaman banjir mereka.

Dalam perjalanan pulang, kami telah membawa bersama beberapa penduduk Kuala Krau yang sakit untuk mendapatkan rawatan di Mentakab. Perjalanan pulang ke Mentakab menaiki trolley mengambil masa lebih kurang setengah jam. Saya akui pada ketika itu, saya merasa agak terkesan apabila melihat dan mendengar keluhan mangsa banjir di kedua-dua tempat tersebut. Banjir tidak asing dengan saya kerana saya sendiri pernah menjadi mangsa banjir di Alor Star pada tahun 2005 dan 2010. Namun keadaan di sini amat teruk sekali.

Sampai sahaja di Mentakab lebih kurang jam 3 petang, kami semua singgah di Kampung Baru Mentakab, kawasan yang agak teruk dilanda banjir. Sekali lagi saya menyertai pasukan DS untuk berjalan dan berjumpa dengan rakyat tempatan. Teruja saya melihat tenaga dan semangat yang ditunjukkan oleh Datuk Seri untuk turun padang melihat sendiri keadaan banjir.

Perjalan kami diteruskan ke Temerloh. Pada ketika itu saya tidak ada gambaran bagaimana keadaan banjir di sana. Ketika kami tiba di depan Agrobank Temerloh, kelihatan ramai rakyat yang menunggu di sekitar lokasi tersebut. Rupanya lokasi tersebut kini telah menjadi seperti satu jeti "penambang" untuk bergerak ke satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. Temerloh kini dipisahkan dengan air dan sesetengah tempat menjadi seperti pulau-pulau kecil.

Ya Allah, teruknya banjir di Temerloh! Beberapa orang rakyat tempatan yang sempat saya bertanya mengatakan bahawa banjir kali ini adalah setanding dengan banjir besar yang pernah melanda pada tahun 1971. Kebanyakan bangunan di pekan Temerloh telah ditenggelami air lebih kurang sedalam satu tingkat bangunan. Kami menaiki beberapa bot yang disediakan Jabatan Laut untuk meninjau keadaan banjir di pekan Temerloh.

Kami singgah di dua tempat untuk berjumpa mangsa banjir. Bekalan asas di beberapa penempatan sementara banjir di Temerloh juga mencukupi. Berbeza dengan Kerdau dan Kuala Krau, Temerloh masih mempunyai bekalan air bersih. Suasana menjadi sedikit tegang di satu tempat apabila kelihatan seorang pemuda menjerit dan memarahi Datuk Seri. Saya tidak faham apa yang dimarahi kerana beliau bertutur dalam bahasa cina, tetapi apabila saya bertanyakan kepada beberapa orang tempatan, mereka merasakan bahawa ada unsur mainan politik yang cuba dibawa oleh pihak pembangkang ke sana. Wallahualam.

Namun, walaupun di dalam keadaan seperti itu, Datuk Seri tenang mendengar permasalahan mereka untuk dipanjangkan kepada kabinet dan pihak berwajib. Pada ketika itu, sedikit rasa kagum melihat kesabaran dan kecekalan beliau hadapi reaksi berbeza masyarakat yang ditemui. Kembara kami di sana diakhiri di pusat bantuan banjir Persatuan Buddhist Temerloh sebelum menaiki bot kembali menuju ke Agrobank. Pengalaman ini tidak akan dapat saya lupakan seumur hidup. Keperitan mangsa banjir ini tidak akan berakhir walaupun selepas banjir surut. Mereka perlu lebih banyak bantuan untuk bangkit semula dari bencana ini. Kepada Datuk Seri, terima kasih kerana beri peluang kepada saya untuk melihat sendiri penderitaan rakyat yang menjadi mangsa banjir. Semoga mereka tabah hadapi semuanya.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Banjir 2014 Yang Terburuk Dalam Sejarah Negara? #Banjir2014

Banjir yang kini melanda tujuh negeri di Malaysia disifatkan antara yang terburuk dalam sejarah. Kelantan, Terengganu dan Pahang adalah negeri yang paling teruk dilanda banjir. Fenomena air laut pasang dan kadar hujan yang tinggi menyumbang ke arah tragedi ini. Beberapa tempat di Kelantan seperti Kuala Kerai terputus hubungan dengan dunia luar.

Pengalaman saya sendiri merasa dua banjir besar di Alor Star pada tahun 2005 dan 2010 tidak dapat menandingi apa yang dirasai mangsa-mangsa banjir di Pantai Timur kini. Pada masa blog ini ditulis, akhbar STAR melaporkan jumlah mangsa yang dipindahkan telah mencecah 120,000 orang. Ramai pihak yang tampil memberi bantuan kepada mangsa, malah rakan-rakan di Twitter antara yang terawal melancarkan kempen bantuan buat mangsa banjir. Syabas diucapkan buat mereka semua.

Kerajaan Persekutuan juga setakat ini telah berjanji untuk  membantu semua mangsa-mangsa banjir. Setakat ini, sudah lebih kurang RM550 juta telah diumumkan pihak kerajaan bagi membantu mangsa di negeri-negeri yang teruk dilanda musibah banjir ini. Sumbangan BR1M juga telah dipercepatkan bayarannya dari lewat Januari ke pertengahan Januari. Kementerian Pendidikan pula telah mengumumkan bahawa cuti persekolahan akan dilanjutkan seminggu bagi memberi masa buat mangsa-mangsa banjir bangkit dari bencana ini.

Namun begitu, dalam kekalutan menghadapi bencana ini, ada juga yang ambil kesempatan mendapatkan laba politik dengan memainkan pelbagai cerita. Y.B Lim Kit Siang antara terawal yang melontar dadu politik dengan mengkritik Perdana Menteri yg pada awal kejadian banjir berada di Hawaii, Amerika Syarikat.

Ada juga yang ambil kesempatan menyebarkan cerita-cerita palsu mengenai Tsunami yang bakal melanda serta kadar kematian yang tinggi (beserta gambar) di Pantai Timur. Saya fikir ada segelintir orang yang memang sengaja mahu ambil kesempatan di dalam suasana bencana ini. Tidak kurang juga pihak-pihak yang mengadu domba bagi mendapatkan kelebihan politik di dalam suasana banjir ini.

Saya tidak berada di Pantai Timur atau mana-mana tempat lain yang dilanda banjir. Saya hanya mampu berdoa dan merasa hiba apabila melihat gambar-gambar banjir yang sukar untuk dipercayai. Doa buat anda semua di sana, semoga tabah hadapi dugaan ini.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

UPSR Serlah Keberanian Muhyiddin

Kejadian kebocoran empat kertas ujian UPSR baru-baru ini amat mengejutkan semua pihak di Malaysia. Namun begitu, amatlah naif sekiranya kita tidak akui bahawa kewujudan isu soalan peperiksaan bocor sebenarnya sudah lama membarah di dalam negara kita. Malahan, ketika saya menduduki peperiksaan SPM pada sekitar tahun 1995, sudah ada cakap-cakap berkenaan kertas soalan bocor.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin selaku Menteri Pendidikan kini berada dalam situasi getir dalam menghadapi kritikan umum mengenai kebocoran ini. Namun, perlu juga diingat, beliau juga punya pilihan untuk menguburkan isu ini sedalam-dalamnya waktu ketika fail ini mula-mula sekali dibawa di atas meja beliau. Sekiranya saya berada di situasi beliau, saya akan teruskan dengan peperiksaan UPSR dan siasat tuduhan tersebut di belakang tabir atau "in camera". Lambat laun, orang ramai akan lupa juga.

Namun, Tan Sri tidak memilih jalan selamat atau jalan pengecut. Beliau memilih untuk menyiasat isu ini sehingga ke akar umbi dan setakat ini sudah 14 orang dipanggil untuk memberi kenyataan. Tidak cukup dengan itu, satu jawatankuasa khas telah ditubuhkan bagi menyiasat dan menambahbaik prosedur pengendalian kertas peperiksaan di bawah Lembaga Peperiksaan. Komitmen ini haruslah dipandang serius oleh kerana masalah ini harus diselesaikan agar kualiti pentaksiran kementerian tidak lagi dipertikaikan.

Saya berpendapat tindakan tegas yang telah diambil oleh pihak berkuasa terhadap pihak yang membocorkan soalan UPSR ini akan memberi peringatan kepada pihak lain yang berniat untuk berbuat demikian di masa akan datang. Sesetengah pihak mengatakan bahawa tindakan yang diambil terlalu drastik dan kejam. Niat tidak menghalalkan cara. Perlu diingat, di setiap helaian kertas ujian yang dicetak Lembaga Peperiksaan tertera perkataaan "Rahsia Kerajaan". Sesiapa yang membocorkan rahsia ini tidak boleh menyatakan bahawa mereka tidak sedar tentang kesalahan ini. Lagipun, ini adalah amalan perundangan yang tidak menerima pembelaan tidak tahu undang-undang seperti yang jelas diajar orang Latin - "Ignoratia Lex Non Ex Cusat".

Pelbagai isu yang melanda kebelakangan ini membuatkan syahwat politik orang ramai membuak-buak, mencernakan pelbagai konspirasi politik untuk menjatuhkan Tan Sri Muhyiddin. Tidak cukup dengan itu, ramai pihak terutama pihak pembangkang menuntut agar Tan Sri mengundur diri dan melepaskan jawatan beliau sebagai Menteri Pendidikan. Oleh itu, tidak mengejutkan apabila kem Tan Sri menggunakan perkataan "sabotaj" dan "konspirasi"secara borong apabila memberi komen tentang isu UPSR.

Namun begitu, seseorang pemimpin itu akan diuji apabila dilanda sebarang isu besar. Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein mendapat markah cemerlang ketika mengendalikan tragedi MH370 setelah agak tenggelam ketika menangani isu Lahad Datu. Mungkin isu UPSR akan menjadi satu penanda aras bagi mengukur kebijaksanaan Tan Sri Muhyiddin dalam mengendalikan sesuatu isu berskala nasional. Setakat ini, beliau membawa "carry marks" yang mencukupi. Setakat ini.

Gambar: Wikipedia

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

British Airways returns to Malaysia in 2015

KUALA LUMPUR – At the British High Commissioner’s Residence in Kuala Lumpur on 17 September 2014, the announcement of British Airways return to KL International Airport was greeted with much euphoria and great enthusiasm, especially by the key Malaysia Airports Senior Management led by its Managing Director, Datuk Badlisham Ghazali.
Datuk Badlisham, who is still in his first hundred days of his new job at Malaysia Airports described this development as a major achievement for the company and is a fitting motivation for him to steer KLIA into an even greater aviation hub.
British Airways will commence its services to Kuala Lumpur on 27 May 2015 on a daily basis utilising the Boeing 777-200 airplane with a four-class cabin configuration. British Airways last operated to Kuala Lumpur in 2001 and the news of this airline returning to Malaysia could not have arrived at a better time for Malaysia’s aviation landscape.
British Airways will join the other European carriers who are currently operating to KLIA i.e. KLM Royal Dutch Airline, Lufthansa German Airlines, Turkish Airlines and Air France who have made Kuala Lumpur as one of their primary destinations in South East Asia.
Datuk Badlisham explained that due to Malaysia’s special and unique relationship with the United Kingdom, British Airways’ return to Malaysia will bring about profound impact to the existing good bilateral ties between the two countries and many more opportunities will be generated through this air service, be it in the economic, political, social and cultural dimensions. 
Datuk Badlisham further shared that this delightful news is a culmination of relentless pursuit by Malaysia Airports for many years in engaging and persuading British Airways to resume its operations to KLIA. The Marketing team had established a good relationship with British Airways over the years with the necessary support from Malaysia Airports’ Board and Management, guided by the former Managing Director Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad - currently Advisor for the company.
Jamie Cassidy, British Airways' area general manager for the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, said “It’s wonderful to be back in Malaysia. We are starting the new flights in response to strong customer demand for direct flights to Kuala Lumpur.”

“As Malaysia’s economy grows, it is becoming an even more important trading partner with the UK, and Britain has long been a favourite destination for Malaysians to shop, to experience historical sites and culture and to study. There’s no better time to fly with British Airways to London and beyond.”
British Airways future operations to KLIA is also a highly strategic coup for Malaysia Airports. With Malaysia Airlines joining theoneworld alliance last year, the addition of British Airways will further increase the presence of oneworld alliance partners at KLIA which currently also include Cathay Pacific, Qatar Airways, Royal Jordanian and Japan Airlines. The transfer possibilities between British Airways and its present partners at KLIA particularly Malaysia Airlines, as well as other oneworld members not operating at KLIA will be multiplied through the code-share and interlining arrangements. Essentially, the entrance of network carriers such as British Airways into KLIA will enhance the airport’s connectivity and strengthen KLIA’s hub status, as these network carriers employ their hub-and-spoke business strategies.
Datuk Badlisham further elaborated that the success of British Airways homecoming to Malaysia was also attributed to the close cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Tourism & Culture, and to a large extent due to the smart partnership that Malaysia Airports had established with Tourism Malaysia.  
Malaysia Airports will continue to replicate this winning formula in its other endeavours to lure more foreign airlines to KLIA as part of its aspiration to make KLIA a great airport hub and contribute towards the nation-building programme of Malaysia in achieving its Vision 2020.
Photo credit: airportsinternational.com

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Tradition That Never Fades: Petronas

A tradition that never fades; this upcoming Raya is awaited by all Muslims around the world. Petronas brings in yet another heart-felt Hari Raya wish that will make you reminiscence those wonderful childhood memories.
Raya has never been perfect without the touch of family gatherings and the laughter shared while catching up with your long lost relatives and friends. The ambience of your grandparents’ Kampung will leave you with that familiar fuzzy feeling that sends you just where you should be.
Traditions kept alight with the night just before Raya where relatives come and gather, mind off of work together with its busy city life to happily bearing the noises of children playing and the buzzing voices of friendly chit chats. It is the time of happiness and real time bonding with not only those who we are accustomed to, but also to embrace new friends along the way.
Young children may be in it for the glorious ‘duit raya’ but not until they are old enough do they value the carefree spirit that once flowed through their veins and the sincere childhood friendship made while fighting over firecrackers on the night of Raya.  
This compilation of the perfect Raya would make you stop and look back to how wonderful Raya is with the unity of friends and family. It is the time for the whole nation to be reminded of the peace and harmony we share together, no matter who we are in life; this Raya is for all of us!

Source: Kwiknews

Monday, March 31, 2014

Air Crashes Involving Chinese Planes Since 1982

I read in horror all the negative comments made by Chinese Nationals and some ungrateful Malaysians about how Malaysian Government is handling the Search and Rescue mission of flight MH370. As such i have been twitting extensively about this issue and trying to clarify some issues surrounding it. One fine day, one Chinese lady twitted to me a link in Chinese language to an article. The article showed the alarming history of Chinese aviation industry. As such, I have been trying to translate it using "Google translator" and cross checked it with wikipedia. So here it is, a list of 22 most deadly air crashes involving Chinese planes. 

1.1982 hit in China's civil aviation Trident Yangshuo Mountain crash

On 26 April 1982 CAAC Flight 3303 was on a flight from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to Guilin Qi Feng Ling Airport[1] in China. There were 104 passengers and 8 crewmembers on board the Hawker Siddeley Trident with the Registration B-266. Then, at 16:45, as Flight 3303 was on approach to the airport in heavy rain, it crashed into a mountain near the town of Yangshuo, China, breaking up and catching fire on impact. The accident killed all 112 people on board. 

The picture shows the China Civil Aviation IL18

2.1982 in Guangzhou, China's civil aviation accident IL18
CAAC Flight 2311 was a scheduled passenger flight from Changsha Huanghua International Airport to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. On 24 December 1982 it was flown by an Ilyushin Il-18B (registered in China as B-202), when after landing at Baiyun Airport a cabin fire produced toxic smoke whereupon the crew stopped the aircraft on the runway and evacuated the passengers.Fire services were quickly on the scene but not before the fast developing fire had killed 25 passengers and seriously injured 22 passengers as well as four crew. The fire destroyed the aircraft, the cause of which was found to be a passenger's cigarette

The picture shows China's civil aviation Trident

3.1983 in Guilin, China's civil aviation Trident ground collision accident
The aircraft was taxiing on the runway to prior to takeoff when it was struck by a military fighter landing on the same runway. Eleven of the 100 passengers were killed.

Pictured AN24B cockpit

4.1985 in Jinan, China's civil aviation complex AN24 Dropping to crash
On January 18, 1985, CAAC Flight 5109, an Antonov An-24B, registration B-434, crashed in drizzle and fog while performing a missed approach to Jinan, killing 38 of the 41 on board

Pictured IL18 cockpit

5.1988 IL18 Chongqing, China Southwest Airlines plane crash

Flight 4146 was a scheduled domestic passenger flight from Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing to Chongqing Airport, Chongqing, with 98 passengers and a crew of ten on board. As Flight 4146 neared Chongqing, the aircraft's Number Four engine (the outer engine on the right wing) caught fire. The fire burned the engine mount and the engine fell off the aircraft's wing. This caused a loss of control. Flight 4146 hit a power line and two farmhouses before bursting into flames. Everyone on board the Ilyushin Il-18 perished in the crash

The picture shows the wreckage of crashed plane

6.1988 landing in Hong Kong, China's civil aviation trident into the sea accident
On August 31, 1988, CAAC Flight 301, a Hawker Siddeley Trident 2E, registration B-2218, struck approach lights at Kai Tak Airport and struck a lip, collapsing the right main landing gear; the aircraft then slid off the runway intoKowloon Bay, killing 7 of the 89 on board. The cause was undetermined, but windshear may have been a factor.

Pictured Il-14 cockpit

7. Shanxi Airlines Crashed into a hotel on takeoff October, 7 1988

Climb from the Air Force Linfen airport process, due to a sudden stop left, lost power, the aircraft lost control and crashed into the ground, eventually crashed in a hotel roof. Direct cause mechanical failure, however, the machine has only 14 fixed seats squeezed into the 44 passengers and seriously overloaded. 42 of 46 dead.

8.1989 In Eastern Airlines AN24 takeoff accident
Time: August 15, 1989
Location: Shanghai Hongqiao
Aircraft Status: AN24RV / former Soviet Antonov aviation design bureau in 1973 manufacturing
Aircraft registration: B-3417 / China Eastern Airlines
The crew: crew of eight people, 32 passengers
Execution Flight: Shanghai - Nanchang
Casualties: 6 person crew, 34 passengers and 28 people were killed
Accident Summary:
Shanghai airport ground process, the right engine suddenly stop, the crew take measures to continue the takeoff, the plane deflection basic fix the problem, but the aircraft could not continue to climb, eventually grounded the aircraft overran the runway and crashed into 240 meters from the airport runway at The creek

The picture shows the wreckage of the hijacked planes

9.1990 Xiamen Airlines hijacking crash

Moments before landing, Jiang (the Hijacker) managed to wrestle control of the aircraft from the pilot. The 737 landed at an excessive speed, and sideswiped a parked China Southwest Airlines Boeing 707-3J6B, slightly injuring the pilot, who was in the cockpit at the time. Still unable to stop, the out-of-control 737 collided with China Southern Airlines Flight 2812, a Boeing 757 waiting to depart to Shanghai, before flipping over on its back and skidding to a halt.

On the Xiamen Airlines 737 Aircraft, 7 of 9 crew members and 75 (including one American, 30 Taiwanese, and 3 people from Hong Kong) of 93 passengers died.[1] On the China Southern 757 Aircraft all 12 crew members survived and 46 of 110 passengers died. Of the passengers who died in the 757, 8 were from Taiwan. A total of 128 people died in the disaster. Jiang, the hijacker of the Xiamen Airlines aircraft, died.

The picture shows China's civil aviation aircraft YK42

10.1992 General Aviation YK42 takeoff accident

Time: July 31, 1992
Location: Nanjing
Aircraft Status: YK42D / former Soviet aviation design bureau in 1991 雅科福列夫 manufacturing
Aircraft registration: B-2755 / China General Aviation
The crew: crew of 10 people, 116 passengers
Execution Flight: GP7552 flight Nanjing - Nanchang
Casualties: A total of 106 people were killed
Accident Summary:
Nanjing airport takeoff roll, the aircraft has failed from the ground, out of the runway and a width of 7 meters of the ditch and hit the runway outside the levees disintegrated, burst into flames.
Failing to carry out pre-flight crew checked the horizontal tail plane took off in the wrong state, impossible to pull up the plane, the crew at the beginning of takeoff roll to eliminate the error warning, lost the opportunity to correct, the segment until the plane taxied out to the runway still can not pull off the ground when realized, to take urgent measures to try to stop the aircraft, failed.

Pictured aviation accident scene (does not correspond to the following graphic)

11.1992 hit in Yangshuo Mountain Southern Airlines B737 crash
Time: November 24, 1992
Location: Yangshuo, Guangxi
Aircraft Status: B737-3Y0 / American manufacturer Boeing in 1991
Aircraft registration: B-2523 / China Southern Airlines
The crew: Unit 8, 131 passengers
Execution Flight: CZ3943 flight Guangzhou - Guilin
Casualties: All victims
Accident Summary:
In a normal approach to Guilin airport during the height of a sudden drop in Yangshuo, Guangxi territory crashed into a mountain crushing disintegration

12.1993 Yinchuan, China Northwest Airlines Bae146 takeoff accident
Time: July 23, 1993
Location: Yinchuan
Aircraft Status: Bae146-300 / British Aerospace Manufacturing
Aircraft registration: B-2716 / China Northwest Airlines
The crew: Unit 5, 108 passengers
Execution Flight: WH2119 flights Yinchuan - Beijing
Casualties: 1 person crew, 54 passengers, a total of 55 people were killed
Accident Summary:
Yinchuan airport during the takeoff roll, the aircraft flaps sudden failure, not in the off state, the aircraft has failed to launch, the crew had to take emergency measures, rejected takeoff due to excessive speed, runway

13.1993 Fuzhou, China Eastern Airlines MD82 landing accidents
Time: October 26, 1993
Location: Fuzhou
Aircraft Status: MD82 / USA &S226; former McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) 1985 Manufacturing
Aircraft registration: B-2103 / China Eastern Airlines
The crew: crew of nine people, 71 passengers
Execution Flight: MU5398 flight Shenzhen - Fuzhou
Casualties: 2 people were killed passenger
Accident Summary:
In the case of poor weather conditions and strong winds storm, because aircraft attitude instability, in about 1 km from the runway entrance, just 20 meters above the ground, the crew decided to resume flying, fuel door started to close the flaps to close the landing gear, However, no increase in the height of the aircraft, continue to sink. See inability crew missed the aircraft return to normal state, and decided to landing, the runway about 2000 meters before entering the ground, while the tail rubbing due to speed, the aircraft overran the runway, the aircraft at a small pond in the 400 meters off the runway three segments.

Pictured Baiyun Airport crash

14.1993 in Urumqi, China Northern Airlines MD82 landing accidents
Time: November 26, 1993
Location: Urumqi
Aircraft Status: MD82 / American former McDonnell Douglas &S226; authorized China Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company in 1991
Aircraft registration: B-2141 / China Northern Airlines
The crew: crew of 10 people, 92 passengers
Execution Flight: CJ6901 flights Beijing - Urumqi
Casualties: 4 person crew, passengers 8 of 12 people were killed
Accident Summary:
Urumqi airport to normal in the approach phase, the tower crew mistakenly notified altimeter is set to the height of 1024, the aircraft has been established at this time automatic ILS approach, the crew disconnected the autopilot based on erroneous height password, drop height , followed by the aircraft ground proximity warning system issued two "below glideslope, four" pull "alarm, crew members were not understand, when the unit was found when the height is too low to start using the autopilot started to climb, they were forgotten fuel door, causing the aircraft to stall and eventually the aircraft crashed into the ground after the high-voltage lines, at 2200 meters from the runway at the fall to the ground outside the burning.

Pictured Baiyun Airport crash

15.1994 TU154 Xi'an, China Northwest Airlines plane crash
Time: June 6, 1994
Location: Xi'an
Aircraft Status: TU154M / former Soviet Tupolev Design Bureau in 1986 aviation manufacturing
Aircraft registration: B-2610 / China Northwest Airlines
The crew: crew of 14 people, 146 passengers
Execution Flight: WH2303 Flights Xian - Guangzhou
Casualties: All victims
Accident Summary:
Takeoff climb, the aircraft began to drift swing, the crew could not find the cause, in the course of treatment failure, abnormal aircraft attitude changes, the pilot is difficult to control the aircraft floating pendulum continues to increase, and finally a sharp decline in the left bank of the process, exceed the ultimate strength of aircraft, aircraft air disintegration.

Pictured Baiyun Airport crash

16.1997 in Shenzhen China Southern Airlines B737 crash
Time: May 8, 1997
Location: Shenzhen
Aircraft Status: B737-31B / American manufacturer Boeing in 1994
Aircraft registration: B-2925 / China Southern Airlines
The crew: crew of nine people, 65 passengers
Execution Flight: CZ3456 flight Chongqing - Shenzhen
Casualties: 2 person crew, 35 passengers and 33 people were killed
Accident Summary:
Under adverse weather conditions, forced landing failed during landing, the aircraft on the ground bounce three times, severely damaged landing gear, fuselage structure is also serious injuries, after a missed approach, multiple alarm cockpit crew reported the aircraft is emergency, requiring reverse landing, forced landing attempt when, still not able to control the aircraft attitude again, high-speed ground after the plane broke into three pieces on the ground, disintegration, burst into flames.

Pictured Baiyun Airport crash

17.1999 In China Southwest Airlines TU154 Ryan crash
Time: February 24, 1999
Location: Zhejiang Ruian
Aircraft Status: TU154M / former Soviet Tupolev Design Bureau in 1990 aviation manufacturing
Aircraft registration: B-2622 / China Southwest Airlines
The crew: crew of 11 people, 50 passengers
Execution Flight: SZ4509 Flights Chengdu - Wenzhou
Casualties: All victims
Accident Summary:
Approach to Wenzhou airport, the sudden mechanical failure, causing the elevator system failure, the aircraft falling sharply, violently hit the ground, the aircraft disintegrated.

Pictured Baiyun Airport crash

18.2000 Y7 Wuhan Wuhan Airlines plane crash
Time: June 22, 2000
Location: Wuhan
Aircraft Status: Y7-100C / China Xi'an Aircraft Manufacturing Company in 1988
Aircraft registration: B-3479 / Wuhan Airlines
The crew: 4 person crew, 40 passengers
Execution Flight: 343 Flight Enshi - Wuhan
Casualties: crew, passengers of all, the ground of 51 people were killed 7 people
Accident Summary:
In the Wangjiadun airport approach, the case of thunderstorms, tower hovering waiting indication, the aircraft circled the process may encounter lightning or wind shear, the aircraft fell to the ground out of control.

Pictured Baiyun Airport crash

19.2002 Air Busan crash in China
Time: April 15, 2002
Location: Busan, South Korea
Aircraft Status: B767-2J6ER / American manufacturer Boeing in 1985
Aircraft registration: B-2552 / China International Aviation
The crew: crew of 11 people, 155 passengers
Execution Flight: CA129 flight Beijing - Busan, South Korea
Casualties: Unit 8, a total of 128 passengers killed 120 people
Accident Summary:
Due to inclement weather, after the first landing failed to prepare the final approach to land again when he suddenly hit the mountain.

20.2002 Dalian in northern China Airlines MD82 crashed into the sea
Time: May 7, 2002
Location: Dalian
Aircraft Status: MD82 / American former McDonnell Douglas &S226; authorized China Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company in 1991
Aircraft registration: B-2138 / China Northern Airlines
The crew: crew of nine people, 103 passengers
Execution Flight: CJ6136 flights Beijing - Dalian
Casualties: All victims
Accident Summary:
In the approach to the Dalian airport when the tower reported cabin fire, and then the plane crashed into the sea out of control.

21.2004 Baotou, China Eastern Airlines CRJ200 crash
Time: November 21, 2004
Location: Baotou
Aircraft Status: CRJ200 / manufacturer Bombardier Aerospace Group in 2002
Aircraft registration: B-3072 / China Eastern Airlines
The crew: crew of six, and 47 passengers
Execution Flight: CJ5210 Flights Baotou - Shanghai
Casualties: All victims
Accident Summary:
After Baotou Airport not far from the airport and crashed into the South China Sea Park

22. Yichun crash
At 21:38:08 on August 24, 2010, Henan Airlines Limited models for the ERJ-190, registration number B-3130 aircraft No. Harbin to Yichun VD8387 perform scheduled passenger service mission in Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province Lin is the 30th airport runway at nearly 690 meters into the runway (latitude 4744'52 "N, 12902'34") crash, some passengers at the time of the crash was thrown cabin.

91 people on a passenger aircraft, including five children. Accident 44 people were killed and 52 people were injured, the direct economic loss of 308.91 million yuan. The accident is a controlled flight into terrain, when the accident due to pilot error landing.

P/s: I didn't edit the google translation so, yeah. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Malaysians, too, are in pain – Tay Tian Yan

The Chinese media and netizens have been lashing out at the Malaysian government, branding it killers, while demanding Malaysian artistes in China leave their country, boycotting Malaysian products and travel, even painting Malaysians as beasts, rubbish and lowly beings.

I feel a deep chill running down my spine as if more salt is being rubbed on our sore wound.

Even before the truth can be told, MAS, the Malaysian government and all ordinary citizens of this country have already been indicted and condemned, good only for hell.

What crime has the country committed that we deserve all this? I was pondering hard.

What came up in my mind was the Sichuan earthquake in May 2008.

Early in the morning, a long queue formed in front of the main gate of Sin Chew Daily headquarters, people silently lining up under the scorching sun as they inched their way to the counter where they would hand out pieces and even stacks of ringgit banknotes to be donated to the Chinese quake victims.

When I went for lunch at a nearby restaurant, the boss quickly wrote me a RM5,000 cheque and said, "Anonymous will do!"

We despatched rescue teams while Foguangshan and Tzu Chi sent their people to the disaster zone in the hope of saving a few more lives and feeding a few more empty stomachs.

Philanthropists from Malaysia rushed there to build primary schools strong enough to withstand any future disaster so that no more innocent children would have to die again.

What also sprang up in my mind was the liberalisation of social visits between people of our two countries in 1991, when one after another MAS plane started to land in the airports of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, carrying with them the hopes and dreams of many a visiting Malaysian.

To many of us, everything in China was so refreshingly fascinating despite the facts we were given a hard time at immigration checkpoints, yells at restaurants and cheated at souvenir shops.

Well, these were all condoned and understood. No Malaysians would get mad or protest boisterously.

Not even when a tour bus plunged into the valley, killing many Malaysians. How could we blame anyone? It was accident.

What also came back to me were the 1938 historical accounts of overseas Chinese engineers in Southeast Asia, the memories of which were brought back to life in an article on the op-ed column in Sin Chew Daily last week.

During the war of resistance against the Japanese occupation, large swathes of land along the coast and hinterland of China were occupied by the Japanese, cutting off the Allies' military equipment and supplies into China.

The only other possible access had been from the southwest, through the tortuous hilly trails from Burma into the province of Yunnan.

Several thousand youths from Malaya joined the transportation team, driving lorries, working as technicians, risking the Japanese shelling and dangers of falling over perilous cliffs. All that they wanted was to get the supplies delivered into the hands of the Chinese people.

Some 1,800 young men from Malaya lost their lives along the road from Burma to Yunnan by the end of the war.

I also remember how Malaysians had prayed for the safe return of those on board MH370, including 153 passengers from China, in March 2014.

Every life has to be cared for and no effort shall be spared to bring them back safely irrespective of their nationality and race.

MAS and the Malaysian government have made painstaking arrangements to bring the relatives of Chinese passengers here while local volunteers have served as interpreters, caregivers and counsellors.

What also came back to me was when Malaysia became the first Southeast Asian country to establish diplomatic ties with China four decades ago, and the first to oppose any international sanction against China after the Tiananmen Square incident 25 years ago, and how we championed for a dialogue between Asean and China and for the establishment of the Asean 10+1 mechanism.

But today, before even a clearer picture has come by, Malaysia has found itself arbitrarily indicted and slammed.

Sure enough, such is only how a small percentage of Chinese nationals will think and act, but the overwhelming onslaught from these people has tainted the reputation of our country, with few sensible people having the guts to say the truth.

I mention these, not to vent my frustration or retaliate. I only hope that more people, in particular Chinese nationals, will understand how hurt and devastated we feel.

There is no way a cordial bond between our people and mutual trust between our nations should get crushed this easily. – www.mysinchew.com, March 28, 2014.

Originally from:

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ali Lim Muthu John

Salam 1Malaysia…

Nama saya Ali Lim Muthu John. Saya rakyat Malaysia. Saya nak menceritakan kehebatan saya yang anda semua tak tahu. Jika saya tak cerita,mana lah awak nak tahu, betul tak?

Kebolehan utama saya adalah berpolitik. Segala perkara saya boleh politikkan. Rambut isteri perdana menteri, hinggalah isu seluar dalam ahli parlimen. Saya sentiasa menang. Walaupun ada satu like, tapi tiada seorang pun yang dislike. Oleh itu saya tahu saya sentiasa disukai ramai.

Dalam masa terluang,saya juga adalah seorang hakim merangkap peguam terkenal. Segala kes dapat saya selesaikan dengan mudah. Sebab saya tengok semua cerita CSI dengan Ally McBeal. Untuk lebih efisyen, saya kadangkala menjadi pegawai penyiasat dan pakar forensik. Tahu sajalah tahap Polizia Malaysia. Lambat selesaikan kes. Oleh kerana itu,saya tidak pernah mengendalikan satu pun kes di mahkamah rendah puchong jaya.

Apabila diperlukan,saya juga pakar ekonomi nombor satu negara. Semua masalah negara boleh saya selesaikan dengan hanya satu klik. Mereka yang kononnya pakar selalu berfikir banyak,tidak berfikir dengan bijak. Terlalu banyak belajar tentang polisi dan akaun yang saya tak boleh terima. Oleh kerana itu,saya tidak pernah dilantik menjadi gabenor bank negara.

Untuk menjadi seorang lelaki sejati,saya juga adalah seorang askar terhebat. Pangkat saya lebih tinggi dari seorang general. Tentera negara ini tidak pandai taktikal. Hanya saya sahaja yang pandai menyelesaikan isu konflik negara. Kerana jasa saya,Malaysia tidak pernah kalah perang kerana tidak pernah berperang. Semuanya kerana saya. Oleh kerana itu,saya tidak pernah dilantik menjadi prebet oleh angkatan tentera Malaysia.

Untuk mengisi masa lapang,saya juga bersukan.Antara sukan kegemaran saya ialah bola sepak dan badminton. Apa sahaja yang jurulatih lakukan semuanya tidak betul. Sampaikan saya terpaksa bermain sendiri mewakili negara di depan tv. Saya terpaksa mencaci maki demi memajukan sukan bolasepak di Malaysia. Lihatlah, hasil jaringan saya, Malaysia tidak pernah layak ke piala dunia.

Di waktu malam,saya boleh bertukar menjadi mufti dan pakar agama. Bukan setakat satu,tapi semua agama. Tanya sahaja. Saya boleh mengeluarkan fatwa dan rasional di sebalik kitab dengan sekelip mata. Setiap ayat,setiap kitab ada di dalam henfon saya. Maka wajarlah saya digelar pakar agama. Oleh kerana itu, saya tidak pernah menjadi imam di mana-mana masjid, kuil atau gereja.

Ramai juga yang tidak tahu saya juga seorang pelawak nombor satu negara. Semua benda saya boleh jadikan bahan. Semua imej saya boleh jadikan orang ketawa. Selalunya tidak betul. Tapi tiada yang lebih menggembirakan apabila lawak saya dishare oleh komuniti mukabuku. Semua tahu saya pakar spin cerita. Lawak saya bersifat nasional. Oleh kerana itu,saya tidak pernah menang maharaja lawak mega.

Saya adalah pakar sejarah. Bukti yang paling jelas ialah saya telah melanggan Histori Chennel yang boleh direkod. Semua sejarah dunia ada di dalam kotak hitam di rumah saya. Ini ditambah dengan pengetahuan dari Nesyenel Jiografik yang datang bersama pakej tersebut. Buku sejarah saya tak pernah beli,tak pernah kaji. Maka sangat patut untuk melebelkan saya sebagai pakar sejarah nombor satu dunia.

Oh ya! Kadang-kadang saya juga adalah wartawan. Ini kerja yang paling mudah. Orang post, saya share. First!!! Dari cerita artis hinggalah cerita bencana. Sayalah yang bertungkus lumus untuk tekan butang share. Caranya mudah. Dapatkan cerita dari page yang mengarut. Berlambak di internet. Tapi saya lebih bijak. Saya ambil cerita yang menjatuhkah maruah orang, memainkan perasaan ataupun yang mengundang simpati. Pengguna sukakan gossip dan perkara yang sakarstik. Oleh sebab itu saya tak pernah muncul di kaca tv.

Dan kebolehan terbaru saya adalah pakar kapal terbang, pakar radar dan pakar kemalangan udara. Semua saya tahu. Ini perkara enteng. Saya memiliki satu model RC kapalterbang di rumah. Saya beli di downtown. Itu menjadikan saya pakar segala pakar. Oleh sebab itu, saya tidak pernah menerbangkan pesawat sebenar sepanjang hidup saya.

Ok. Cukuplah sampai di sini. Saya bukan mahu bangga diri. Cuma saya nak berkongsi pengalaman dan pengetahuan saya yang sangat tinggi. Saya menunggu isu terbaru untuk saya mengiktiraf diri saya pakar serba tahu. Hubungi saya kalau ada apa-apa persoalan. Kerana setakat ini,tiada siapa pernah tanya saya untuk mendapatkan jawapan. Maka saya perlu menunjuk-nunjuk kepandaian saya.

Awak yang membaca jangan cuba tunjuk pandai. Sebab saya ada lima akaun fesbuk.


Originally From:-

P/s. Tak tahu macam mana nak share direct dari wordpress. 

A letter to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak

Dear sir,

With all due respect, if I were you, I would resign. I would just quit all my positions, take 1 year off and just go hide under the covers. 

Half the country (52% approximately) hates you. They hate your wife. They hate your cousin. They hate the very air that you breathe in. There is so much hatred and it's mostly focused on you. So why go on? Let go. Have a good rest. Leave the cares of the world to others.

If I were you, I would just quit.

If you say something, it's the wrong thing to say. If you don't say anything, it's a sign you're hiding something. You can't do anything right can you? I mean, we expect you to be perfect and yet will look only for imperfections. You can't win, sir. Why continue the fight? It's not worth it.

And now, things are getting worse. There's a tough spot ahead with a big battle against a giant. And an army that just wants to stab you in the back. So what's the point in going on. If I were you, I would just pack my bags and take the missus out shopping where no one will make as if that's a crime. Why be so determined to fight the good fight when there is no appreciation? 

Yeah, if I were you, I would just walk out that door.

Sometimes, I don't even know where you get your calmness from. You got some good guys I know, but sadly, you got some really really bad ones too. Those who just blow down all the good work that you have done. Work that has taken years and countless effort. Destroyed with one single slip of an unthinking tongue. If I were you, I wouldn't have any hair left at all.

It's so easy now. Just quit. Give up. 

Let those who believe they can do better take over. Give in to the demands. Let them have their chance. Let them have a turn at the helm. Why should you care if the ship is navigated into treacherous waters and shipwrecked? Yes sir, why don't you just do that?

But luckily, I am not you. Or should I say you are not me?

I would have given up a long time ago. My determination is not as strong as yours. Neither is my courage. Nor my spirit.

I can't imagine the pressure you are faced with now nor the difficulties you have to confront. I doubt whether I could be in your shoes and still be standing. I doubt whether I would have the courage even to crawl out of bed knowing what I would have to face each bloody day.

So yeah, lucky I am not you. I am only human and a frail one at that. You are made up of much sterner stuff than I am. And that is something I and many others are lucky to have.

But sir, if I cannot be in your shoes, I would like to offer to stand beside you. Especially in these times. And although there may seem to be many who would stand against you, there are also many who would stand beside you and under our flag, Jalur Gemilang. 

We may not be able to carry the whole weight upon your shoulders, but we can help to lighten it when you stumble. We can help to clear the path so it is an easier path to walk. And we can help to shelter you when the sun is too hot or the rains too heavy.

And we will stand beside you with our heads held high beneath the flag that defines us all. 

Malaysians. Our country and our nation. It's time we declared which side we are on.

Originally from:

A Chinese National Condemning His Own Countrymen #MH370

Found this article posted by a kind Chinese national, who condemn his own fellow countrymen for launching a boycott of Malaysia. Heart warming. Thanks @taizeehow for sharing this. Share this to your China Chinese friend :-


Among all post (in China’s social media’s sphere), I spotted this one, and was in mind that I am obliged to share.

Are we(China) too reckless instigate a boycott on this country(Malaysia)? Lets don’t talk about boycott just yet, we cannot even boycott the Japanese effectively, for them who massacred hundreds of millions of our countrymen, and those Vietnamese and Indonesian who killed hundred of thousand of Chinese, why don’t I see any Artist boycotting them? (Chinese artist joined the condemns and boycott against Malaysia)

Alright, if you all thinks that the Malaysian Government had murdered 153 Chinese passengers, then they also murdered 38 Malaysian, 12 crew members, 12 Indonesian passengers, 7 Australian passengers and 7 American passengers.

Alright, lets boycott this country (Malaysia) which was first to establish diplomatic ties with China among all other South East Asian countries.

Lets boycott this country (Malaysia) who had been consistently refused the United States military to build their base for the purpose of locking the Chinese survivorship(military strategy) among the lines of island

Lets boycott this country, which the borders of Spartly Island which was determined by China was only 80 KM off their coast, yet the only country that does not make any objection.

Lets boycott this country, which has been consistently against the Philippines and Vietnamese to bring up the conflict of South China Sea to the world’s attention

Lets boycott this country, which donated to China to fight against the Japanese (during WW2) which amounts to 1/3 of the total military expenditure.

Lets boycott this country, which contributed 3000 car mechanics and drivers during our(China) war with the Japanese.

Lets boycott this country which allows 5million Chinese to preserve their culture, language and religion

Alright, let us all stand united to boycott this country, which is kind and nice to China.

Ps: if you dislike a government, means you will have to hate everything about this country, then I want to point my question to those ignorant artist who declared that they will never visit Malaysia, as a public figure, do you aware that your lead, (announcement) have hurt the Malays(Malaysian citizen)?

Just now I saw a post from my friend who works as a reporter in Weibo (Chinese Twitter), he said ‘ once you have achieve certain level of patriotism, any ridiculous matter will seems to be reasonable. And this word ‘patriotism’ has bring more harm.' The attitude of our nationals (Chinese ) sometimes is laughable.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tribute To MH370 #PrayForMH370

P/S: Lets all pray for all the crews and passengers on board of #MH370. Not to forget everyone involved in Search and Rescue, all the best. 

Khalid Samad Perlekeh Usaha Mencari #MH370

Saya tidak nafikan Y.B Khalid Samad memang petah berhujah dan adalah salah seorang pemimpin PAS yg berilmu. Namun begitu, rakaman terbaru kali ini menampakkan kerendahan peribadi beliau sebagai seorang pemimpin masyarakat. Apakah motif beliau untuk mempertikaikan setiap langkah yang diambil oleh pihak "Search & Rescue" (SAR). Tidakkah Y.B Khalid Samad berasa simpati terhadap setiap waris dan sahabat penumpang MH370 yang sedang menanti dengan resah? 

Sekiranya Y.B Khalid Samad punyai kelulusan dan kepakaran di dalam bidang SAR, mungkin beliau boleh sampaikan pandangan kepada pihak kerajaan. Kita seharusnya bersatu di dalam usaha untuk menyelesaikan insiden ini. Bukan semua perkara harus dijadikan modal politik. 

Lihat video ini dan nilai sendiri. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Solat Hajat Buat #MH370

10 Statement Paling Bangang Mengenai #MH370

Tragedi yang menimpa penerbangan Malaysia Airlines #MH370 sudah masuk hari ketiga. Pihak berkuasa tempatan dan antarabangsa masih bertungkus lumus mencari dan menyelamatkan pesawat tersebut. Namun begitu, ramai di antara kita yg tidak sensitif terhadap permasalahan yg melanda negara ketika ini. Pelbagai komentar negatif telah dibuat dan di sini saya senaraikan di antara komentar-komentar tersebut: 

Seorang "attention-seeker" yang telah menggunakan gambar ini untuk membuat akaun Twitter palsu untuk meraih simpati. Menyatakan bahawa ibu beliau berada di dalam MH370. Akaun twitter @jasminejohari sudah ditutup.

Tidak mengejutkan DS Anwar Ibrahim mengakui keefisyenan badan kehakiman negara di dalam menyelesaikan kes beliau. 

Just plain stupid

Sudah menutup akaun Twitter beliau. Sungguh biadap!

Zed Zaidi, really?

MAS juga telah bertahun lamanya membawa rakyat Malaysia menunaikan Haji dan Umrah.

Tidak dapat membezakan politik dan kepentingan awam. 

No wonder he is still single!

Its not funny, really.

Kesimpulannya, jadilah rakyat yang punya perasaan empati dan sensitif terhadap keluarga mangsa #MH370. Ayuh bersama kita doakan semoga pasukan penyelamat dapat mencari pesawat #MH370.